Star photographer Jürgen Sendel has cult status with prominent personalities throughout the world. At White Turf he is seen as one of the family.
star photographer

Thanks to his subtle manners, Jürgen Sendel has for a long time been part of the inner circle of the White Turf family. “The most important motivation for me as a photographer is to convey to others the pleasure I have when taking the photographs”, is the way he describes the secret of his success.
Normally, Jürgen Sendel is at home on an international stage; on the frozen lake of St. Moritz, the Berlin based photographer captures the colourful life of White Turf with his camera. Photos not only of the precious race horses, but also the owners, trainers and jockeys, many locals and holiday guests, as well as prominent personalities from society, politics and business as they savour the unique atmosphere of the international horseraces at St. Moritz. Generally, for Jürgen Sendel, celebrities are not who he enjoys snapping most, but it is a completely different case regarding personalities he meets in the VIP tent at White Turf: “These are people who move things socially and economically speaking.”
The star photographer finds it very worthwhile to crown his White Turf stay with a visit to the VIP tent: “This is where one can experience that particular White Turf flair in a very special manner.” According to him, every detail is perfect. The elegant yet casual atmosphere, characterized by the three main sponsors of White Turf, CREDIT SUISSE, BMW (Schweiz) AG and LONGINES, rounded off by the exquisite catering and choice of drinks, as well as the attractive yet discrete presentation, for instance of exclusive watches and fashion. “The guests in the VIP area are in their own world but at the same time right in the middle of the racing events”, observes Jürgen Sendel.
Despite his crowded diary, the sought-after photographer always keeps the third White Turf race Sunday in particular, free from other obligations: “For me, White Turf is the most important social highlight of the year.” He also has a private link with the event: “Whenever I talk about White Turf in Berlin, people always want to see photographs. Incidentally, my friends don’t want to miss the event, so I book their accommodation early in September”, he says with a smile on his face.